First things first: we’re so glad you’re here.
Can I share a story with you? (I hope so, as I really love a good story.)
I like to think of all us all as either ships, fa-la-la sailing along the seas of life, and the older I get the more I realized how often I think thinking I’m sailing to India but perhaps bumping into Bora Bora instead? The compass hasn’t quite worked out in the way that I intended.
Or ever?
I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’d formally request that if my compass is a little finicky (read: doesn’t follow directions), could I at least bump into the Four Seasons Bora Bora and win an instant free weeks stay than say…less enticing and shark-infested waters in the Arctic?
Let’s bring this analogy ashore (zing!)——and invite you into this tale as your very own, well-seasoned, ship of the seas——adventurous and stories aplenty from all your journeys.
Cue the Isle of (Expect) Magic! 🎉🎉🎉
You see, we’ve been busy ashore, carving out a bustling little village on a rocky outcrop somewhere near the shore that you weren’t quite expecting. And we do apologize, it seems like your adventurous sea-faring ship may have discovered our rather rocky shores.
Whoops! Crack. Ooops? Rip. Craaaaaap.
Seems like there’s a hole in your bow, and a rip in the sail, and some things need tending to because your sweet ship isn’t quite sea steady anymore.
[Cue jazz hands and a drum roll…]
Well, amazingly enough, you’ve bumped into the perfect island. Yay!
We’ve got a magical village of all the people and trappings you need (and maybe some you didn’t know you needed!) to get yourself freshened up and back out into the ocean sailing along your merry way.
After all – you’ve got a whole WORLD to explore!
And since you’re here for a bit as we fix up your sweet boat—why don’t you take advantage of our village specialties? There is a bakery with award-winning croissants to die for, a general store to restock your toolbox, a local library with books that may inspire some future adventures, and a local pub that is run by a hilarious and wise old soul who is a treasure trove of knowledge of riding the high seas. Her stories are dramatic and NSFW, but worth it through and through.
You see .. you’ve run aground to the most magical place you didn’t know existed. Don’t tell anyone, but we don’t actually exist on any map. That’s exactly how we like it, and we’re exactly what you needed.
You found us not *exactly* by mistake, this may be what you’ve been looking for all along.
Wait, what?
Maybe it seems a little far fetched to believe that this website, with some offerings and ideas, could house all of this?
Perhaps far fetched … or not at all. (Jazz hands. Wink.)
Because you see all of these stories, ideas, and offerings are all things that are meant to equip you——you deliciously lovable creature that you are——to sail wherever your heart desires.
How that comes into being and applied in your world is absolutely up to your design.
We are here and Expect Magic was born to invite you, to guide you into a new world that is of your making.
How much fun is that?
If that feels really out there, fret not, that’s a perfect place to be.
If that feels like a fun little dream but you have no idea how that comes to life, also — the most utterly delicious place to be!
If that sounds like a blast and you’re all in? Ooo child, get ready for a wild ride. And bring your sparkliest dress or dancing shoes because this is going to be epic.
We’re here to invite you into some new ideas, practices, and possibilities to plant seeds and allow you to start to see your immediate world in a different light.
We’re Liz and Nicole, and Expect Magic chose (Demanded? Invited? Danced her way in? Who knows…) us to come into being. We’re here to invite and guide you into all kinds of adventures that feel fun and impact your life in a really simple, practical ways.
Because life doesn’t have to be complicated, hard, or heavy. It doesn’t. (And are you tired of that yet? I sure as hell am.) And yet, we still have to get from where we are in this moment to where we want to be, and the biggest and most exciting choice is how we want to feel while getting there.
I guess that’s the saying, right? The magic is in the journey not the destination? You know the one.
So welcome to the ultimate playground of choosing your own adventure, crafting your personal boat whatever color or size you want, and pointing it in the direction that feels like a f*cking adventure.
That’s the spirit here. That’s Expect Magic’s essence.
It’s a playground of offerings (group coaching, mentorship, retreats, courses) that allow you to connect with us and others in different formats depending on what you can invest in terms of time, commitment, and resources. But most importantly: this is about you connecting to you in ways that you may have never ventured, or ways that you’ve craved but never had the structure. This is all about you and you. Over and over again.
We will go as deep as you are willing. And while we’re down for cannonballs into the deep end, we’re also big champions of the “inch by inch, step by step” methodology.
No matter how you want to engage, we’re so excited you’re here. You found the lighthouse!
And I will tell you this my sweetest, most delectable one: the possibilities that come with this kind of transformation will blow your biggest dreams out of the water. Mind-blowing doesn’t even begin to scrape the surface.
What is possible for you, for your family, for your friends and parents and partner when you dive into this playground is endless.
Because our belief is a simple one: when women live true to their nature, the world benefits profoundly.
(That is our why, by the way. Full stop, end of story.)
When we lean into our intuition and connect with ourselves in ways we were never taught—we’re able lead playful lives, build healthy relationships, raise kind children, and create compassionate communities.
A life that feels like magic at every turn is officially on the menu. It’s just up to you to choose it.
You in?
Join us here and on our instagram as we share all kinds of nuggets, stories, insights. We will also be sharing when our group coaching and retreat applications go live, as well as other ideas as they come up.
But most importantly – we’d love to hear from you—shoot us an email at hello@expectmagic.ca or fill out our contact form.
Finally – our newsletter is an effective, and simultaneously hilarious way to keeping up with all of our offerings sprinkled with stories. Sign up here and let us know what you’d like info on.
We can’t wait to meet you, and see which “choose your own adventure” you pick!
Liz + Nicole